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induced ovulation中文是什么意思

用"induced ovulation"造句"induced ovulation"怎么读"induced ovulation" in a sentence


  • 诱导排卵
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  • Metformin on spontaneous ovulation and clomiphene on induced ovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome
  • The outcomes and related factors about inducing ovulation by clomiphene citrate in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients
  • Preliminary observation of the effect of gnrh - a substituting for hcg to induce ovulation in preventing ohss
  • Extract contained gonadal hormone ( micromolecule peptide , amino acids , glycoprotein etc . ) , which can directly act on ovary , promote the corpus luteum upgrowth , induce ovulation , cure sterility
    提取物中含有促性腺激素(小分子肽、氨基酸、糖蛋白等) ,能直接作用于卵巢,促进黄体发育,可诱发排卵,治疗不孕症。
  • Doctors have continued to improve upon their existing techniques , with incremental improvements in their ability to induce ovulation , grow embryos longer in the lab and more safely transfer them to the womb
用"induced ovulation"造句  
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